Sunday 17 November 2013

New job, new drive

So, where are we in terms of training days? Well, I have managed to get a few days in. A couple of 10km steady runs, and a couple of quicker 5km runs, most enjoyable.
I have just secured myself a new job, which is not only within walking distance of home, as opposed to the 15 mile drive at the moment, but is far more sensible hours wise. This will allow me far more time for training as I will be in doors from work within 10 minutes of finishing, allowing me time for a run every night if I wanted. No weekend work, means I can schedule in longer runs on a regular basis also.
As I have mentioned before, I'm sure, I am doing the Silverstone half marathon in March, and am now busy looking for something after then.
I am drawn by the BUPA London 10k in May. This looks like a very nice event, on a very picturesque course and not to soon after Silverstone.
I will continue to do my local(ish) Parkrun, and with no weekend work I can do these a lot more.
The training times are not to bad. I'm not really looking to complete in a particular time, but and "around" time of 2:00-2:15 for the half would be good for my first one.
At the minute I'm doing 5km in about 0:30 and 10km in 1:04. Not world beating, but its heading in the right direction.
If I can get 2 hours for my first half marathon I will be very pleased.
I am running on behalf of Alzheimer's and if you feel you can support me there is a link below. It would be fantastic if you could.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

What! On the same road?

So, that's my 2 days off done and dusted, but did I get any running in, well yes I did.
I went out Monday morning and did a reasonably steady 10km. An out and back route, which I thought would be something I would hate, running there and back on the same road, but surprisingly it was quite enjoyable.
My time, which I suppose isn't overly important to anyone, was 1hr 03 mins. I know that that isn't a great time, but for me every time I run 10km I get quicker. I'm never going to be a Mo Farah, but to strive to be as good as I can be for my own self is what is important to me.
I started off, not exactly with my heart in the job, but on the return leg, at about 6km I looked at my watch and saw how far I had gone, and it put a little spring in my step. I don't normally run very far on my own, but this time I had, and it felt great.
Like I mention above, the thought of running there and back on the same road didn't exactly fill me with joy. I normally do a circular route, or we leave one car somewhere and run from the other car to the left one, I'd never fancied out and back. I would imagine it's all about where, and the types of road. This route was paved all the way, between town and village. Reasonably pleasant surroundings must help with the enjoyment, and being on the path, out of balms way.
That's always been my biggest fear when running alone, no path and some of the loons that drive on the roads out in the sticks. A tiny little one track road, with a 60mph speed limit, and the fact that some drIvers think they can drive on them at those speeds.
Still, on the positive side, I've found a route that's both safe, and reasonably flat, so until I get fed up with running the same way all the time, it will suffice.
Happy days!
Working now, through to Friday evening, so my next run will probably be Parkrun.

Sunday 3 November 2013

The search goes on

Work today, (Sunday) last day then off for two days. I do hope to get a couple of runs in over those two days, or at least a run and a gym session. I really do need to get myself motivated to get out and do a long run on my own. Maybe I'm making to big a deal out of it, and that's whats stopping me.
Positive thoughts are whats needed.
At the end of the day, If I don't train I will never be able to do the Silverstone half marathon justice. Alright, I could probably finish it by walking a fair chunk, but why would I want to do that. Surely the sense of achievement comes from doing your absolute best. I can only do my absolute best by training and putting myself in that position.
I will away and search the net to see what other folk do to get round this problem, as I am sure its quite a wide spread problem. I just need someone to push me a little. I don't actually think I need a great big shove, as I do enjoy the running, and the good its doing for me, but I just need that little bit extra.
I've just looked back over the posts I have already done, and notice I have failed to give any of my times, there not world beaters so don't get excited.
5km 29:40 (PB @ Parkrun 30:13)
10km 1hr 04mins

Friday 1 November 2013


Went for a run this morning, decide to give intervals a try. As I've not been running very long I didn't over do it. Did 3 x 300 metre with 700 metre recovery jog. As it's new to me I was knackered by the end of the run, and only managed 3km, still, you have to start somewhere I suppose.
Still finding it quite hard to get motivated on my own, but at least I'm getting out.
Looking ahead to next week, I'm off work Monday and Tuesday, so, looking to do something different I may try a bit of hill work one day, and a longer run the other day.
I might actually look at joining our local runner club, I'll get in touch with them and see what the deal is, regarding distance run, types of training they do, and, I suppose, costs!
Tried out my new long sleeve running shirt today, and it did make a good deal of difference, having said that the weather wasn't freezing, but it wasn't warm either.

Thursday 31 October 2013

New stuff!

No running today, went out Tuesday for my long run. Had yesterday off, and today I went to the gym for some cross training.
Spent half an hour on the bike, then did some light leg work, and the rowing machine.
Cant do any lifting at the moment due to my frozen shoulder.
My order cam today from Runners World store, discount for subscribers. I ordered a light, wet weather jacket, Nike, and a long sleeve running shirt from Mizuno. At last I am ready for when it gets a bit cooler.
I'll be going out tomorrow, Friday for a run, about 5km or so, then back to work Saturday and Sunday. Working weekends was ok, I didn't worry to much before I discovered Parkrun, now I work every other Saturday and can only attend when not working. The real pain is that I work right next to the park my nearest run is held in, but due to the nature of the job, couldn't possibly nip off and participate.
I wonder how long this feeling of, I hope the weather gets cold so I can try my new gear, lasts, not long I would imagine.

Wednesday 30 October 2013


Me with the Alzheimer's vest I will wear at Silverstone

I write another blog which has nothing to do with running, and thought, rather than post training and running related updates on there I thought I would start a running blog.
My main motivation for starting this blog is, ahem, motivation. You see, I enjoy running, but some times I find it very hard to get motivated.
In February I was told I had Type 2 Diabetes, controlled by diet and exercise. I weighed in at a less than healthy 15st 10lbs, and although I am 6 feet tall it did notice. At the time I drove a forklift truck, so the weight was all carried around my middle, (fat bugger, I hear you shout, or worse maybe).
In March I started a new job, much more active and with my change of diet my weight came down to a much more healthy 13st 10lbs, and although still not ideal, it was at least heading in the right direction.
In July I started running, jogging, just with a view at first to use it to get healthy, but now 4 months down the line I have entered the Silverstone half marathon, and I have the bug.
I run around once a week with a good friend of mine, this is when I do my longer runs, and the rest of the time I run alone, these are the times when the motivation can take a hit. I tend to run around the area I live in, which is a large housing estate, plenty of paths, but not much to look at. We are quite close to some nice open countryside, but I always think the roads are a little busy to run these alone. Am I making to much of the danger factor, who knows?
Well, I will try to use this blog as help with the motivation, updating it with training details, and such like. I don't mind for one minute if people want to leave comments, but the one thing I do ask is that you don't waste your time making them rude. Google Blogger recognises certain words and automatically deletes them. Having said that, if Google miss them, I wont. You honestly will just be wasting your time.

This site almost definitely uses cookies, so if you don't agree with that, then please browse away, or accept the fact and enjoy the blog, I will try to keep it light.