Friday 1 November 2013


Went for a run this morning, decide to give intervals a try. As I've not been running very long I didn't over do it. Did 3 x 300 metre with 700 metre recovery jog. As it's new to me I was knackered by the end of the run, and only managed 3km, still, you have to start somewhere I suppose.
Still finding it quite hard to get motivated on my own, but at least I'm getting out.
Looking ahead to next week, I'm off work Monday and Tuesday, so, looking to do something different I may try a bit of hill work one day, and a longer run the other day.
I might actually look at joining our local runner club, I'll get in touch with them and see what the deal is, regarding distance run, types of training they do, and, I suppose, costs!
Tried out my new long sleeve running shirt today, and it did make a good deal of difference, having said that the weather wasn't freezing, but it wasn't warm either.

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