Tuesday 5 November 2013

What! On the same road?

So, that's my 2 days off done and dusted, but did I get any running in, well yes I did.
I went out Monday morning and did a reasonably steady 10km. An out and back route, which I thought would be something I would hate, running there and back on the same road, but surprisingly it was quite enjoyable.
My time, which I suppose isn't overly important to anyone, was 1hr 03 mins. I know that that isn't a great time, but for me every time I run 10km I get quicker. I'm never going to be a Mo Farah, but to strive to be as good as I can be for my own self is what is important to me.
I started off, not exactly with my heart in the job, but on the return leg, at about 6km I looked at my watch and saw how far I had gone, and it put a little spring in my step. I don't normally run very far on my own, but this time I had, and it felt great.
Like I mention above, the thought of running there and back on the same road didn't exactly fill me with joy. I normally do a circular route, or we leave one car somewhere and run from the other car to the left one, I'd never fancied out and back. I would imagine it's all about where, and the types of road. This route was paved all the way, between town and village. Reasonably pleasant surroundings must help with the enjoyment, and being on the path, out of balms way.
That's always been my biggest fear when running alone, no path and some of the loons that drive on the roads out in the sticks. A tiny little one track road, with a 60mph speed limit, and the fact that some drIvers think they can drive on them at those speeds.
Still, on the positive side, I've found a route that's both safe, and reasonably flat, so until I get fed up with running the same way all the time, it will suffice.
Happy days!
Working now, through to Friday evening, so my next run will probably be Parkrun.

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