Sunday 3 November 2013

The search goes on

Work today, (Sunday) last day then off for two days. I do hope to get a couple of runs in over those two days, or at least a run and a gym session. I really do need to get myself motivated to get out and do a long run on my own. Maybe I'm making to big a deal out of it, and that's whats stopping me.
Positive thoughts are whats needed.
At the end of the day, If I don't train I will never be able to do the Silverstone half marathon justice. Alright, I could probably finish it by walking a fair chunk, but why would I want to do that. Surely the sense of achievement comes from doing your absolute best. I can only do my absolute best by training and putting myself in that position.
I will away and search the net to see what other folk do to get round this problem, as I am sure its quite a wide spread problem. I just need someone to push me a little. I don't actually think I need a great big shove, as I do enjoy the running, and the good its doing for me, but I just need that little bit extra.
I've just looked back over the posts I have already done, and notice I have failed to give any of my times, there not world beaters so don't get excited.
5km 29:40 (PB @ Parkrun 30:13)
10km 1hr 04mins

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