Wednesday 30 October 2013


Me with the Alzheimer's vest I will wear at Silverstone

I write another blog which has nothing to do with running, and thought, rather than post training and running related updates on there I thought I would start a running blog.
My main motivation for starting this blog is, ahem, motivation. You see, I enjoy running, but some times I find it very hard to get motivated.
In February I was told I had Type 2 Diabetes, controlled by diet and exercise. I weighed in at a less than healthy 15st 10lbs, and although I am 6 feet tall it did notice. At the time I drove a forklift truck, so the weight was all carried around my middle, (fat bugger, I hear you shout, or worse maybe).
In March I started a new job, much more active and with my change of diet my weight came down to a much more healthy 13st 10lbs, and although still not ideal, it was at least heading in the right direction.
In July I started running, jogging, just with a view at first to use it to get healthy, but now 4 months down the line I have entered the Silverstone half marathon, and I have the bug.
I run around once a week with a good friend of mine, this is when I do my longer runs, and the rest of the time I run alone, these are the times when the motivation can take a hit. I tend to run around the area I live in, which is a large housing estate, plenty of paths, but not much to look at. We are quite close to some nice open countryside, but I always think the roads are a little busy to run these alone. Am I making to much of the danger factor, who knows?
Well, I will try to use this blog as help with the motivation, updating it with training details, and such like. I don't mind for one minute if people want to leave comments, but the one thing I do ask is that you don't waste your time making them rude. Google Blogger recognises certain words and automatically deletes them. Having said that, if Google miss them, I wont. You honestly will just be wasting your time.

This site almost definitely uses cookies, so if you don't agree with that, then please browse away, or accept the fact and enjoy the blog, I will try to keep it light.

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